
looking for a design-related job.
here's my blog full of ideas, inspiration and current progress in my work.
looking for a suitable studio space too..

hope you're inspired, or atleast admire my work*****!

All work and images are protected under copyright nazreen matadar designs ©2012
WEBSITE _ www.nazreenmatadar.co.uk


so many ideas, only one brain.

Friday, 11 March 2011

bradford finalised entry images

This is some work that was entered for the Bradford textile society competition. This is only part of the finished work, personally my favourite was the paper and fabric shirt mockups - i unfortunately don't have any pictures of that to show you though!

This is some work that was entered for the Bradford textile society competition. This is only part of the finished work, personally my favourite was the paper and fabric shirt mockups - i unfortunately don't have any pictures of that to show you though!

just need to rotate a few, but i thought, ill let you have a peek first.

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